The Amazing Story Continues (Part2)
Rense Radio Interview with William Tompkins with Maj. George Filer & Frank Chille – May 4, 2016

(start at 01:15)
Jeff Rense: Okay. And we're back. Pretty amazing stuff as promised. We're talking to Bill Tompkins and I don't know what to tell you but this German-looking craft is extraordinary. And it's not the only one. Anything else you want to add to us about this German flying saucer with weapons on it?
William Tompkins: Only that there were seven classes of similar-shaped ones. Some of the upper section was smaller and the basic design was used for almost everything. And then they had a whole lot of totally different types – even different shapes that the Germans were working on – not just circular.
In fact, I think we could go to one of the other illustrations that
Rense: Yeah, let me say something first here. If you folks, who are online, do a Google search, type in 'solar' (S-O-L-A-R) 'Warden' (W-A-R-D-E-N), Solar Warden, and then go to 'Images'. I want you to look at the top row. What you . . . You're not able to pull it up right now, Bill, . . .
Tompkins: It's okay.
Rense: In the top row are six images. The middle two are the same photo. One is a little bit light in contrast. One is very nice in contrast. What it shows is what appears to be an immense ship-building drydock, possibly at Newport News. It's outdoors. There are overhead walkways, heavy steel constructions above it for lifting things. There's a crane off to the left. But underneath that between these cranes, which look to be a couple hundred, 300-feet, off the ground – these overhead walkways, which go all the way across from side to side of this ship bay, this drydock, is an enormous craft in this drydock in the mid to latter stages of construction.
It is NO ship. It's a spaceship.
Tompkins: Yes, sir.
Rense: It's huge. If for those of you who can't see it, it look rather like a long loaf of French bread, but bigger, a little flatter. It's all steel. It's metal. It's lit up. There are lights on it, lights in it. Strange locations for the lights. And you can see construction. You can see people - tiny little people at the bottom underneath it.
If this is a legitimate picture, it only takes one. And if this picture is legitimate, this answers every question you could ask, basically, about what Bill is recounting. Is it true? If this picture is real, it's all true. It look exactly like a spaceship. Again, I'm at Google search, 'Solar Warden/Images', top row, middle two pictures. Take a look. They're amazing.
Tompkins: Please, pull it up.
Rense: I've got them up. I can't put it up. I'm putting it on the photos page that we have for your visit tonight. And that will be in the photos page.
Tompkins: Yeah, I've seen the picture and it is real.
Rense: My God, if that's real. It's an enormous thing. It's as big as an aircraft carrier.
Tompkins: Yes, it is.
Rense: Well, and then there's . . .
Tompkins: There's no flight deck.
Rense: No, of course not. It's round. And then there's another picture of it in an underground facility of a very odd-shaped thing. You mentioned that just a moment ago. This has very strange angles on it. It's bizarre. I don't know what to tell you. Solar Warden. But these . . . This one photo . . . If it's real, somebody took it, snuck it out of there, and it is staggering in it's implication. It looks to be like twilight. There's some sunlight reflecting off the right-hand side of it. You'll see it. Solar Warden. Google Search. Images. Top row, center. Two pictures of this thing. It is no naval ship for ocean navigation. No way. All right, go ahead. I'm sorry to get off on this, but that's stunning. Go ahead, Bill, please.
Tompkins: Okay. It's an excellent picture with all of those in there. Okay. Could we maybe pull the picture that has the aircraft carrier
Rense: We're going . . . What do you mean? Hold on, hold on. We have five pictures on our photos page. And I'm not sure if we have what you're mentioning right now. Let me take a look. One, two, three . . . Okay,
Tompkins: It's in color.
Rense: It's gray and black? No, this is . . . These are cruisers with gun turrets on them is what it looks like.
Tompkins: Okay. All right, let's talk about that one. Let's talk about that one. Everybody else, pull it up.
Rense: Oh, are you talking about the USSS Hillenkoetter?
Tompkins: Yeah, but we can do that later.
Rense: All right.
Tompkins: Let's talk about those two.
Rense: Yeah, there's two of them – pictures number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in our little array, because I put another picture with German iron-crosses on it below the first one that we were talking about with a rounded top, not that turret-looking top – another just stunning picture. Are they real? I don't know, but they're very provocative. Okay. Let's go to number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . . . There are two items that look like battleships from space is what they look like.
Tompkins: Okay. Those are essentially cruiser-type shapecraft carriers. They have also hangar decks for fighter aircraft. And versions of these two are what you would call a landing assault aircraft carrier the Navy uses now. And so these then are used as assault carriers with Marines on board and they have large hangars on underneath inside. But they also operate as attack vehicles so that if you would look at it as if it were a Marine mission on the Earth, they would have attack capabilities, and they would have the large hangar deck. And so they would have small boats that would take the tanks ashore
Rense: These are LSTs [Landing Ship, Tank or tank landing ship]?
Tompkins: No, they are not landing tanks. These vehicles are what you would class as a Marine aircraft carrier that we have which are called Landing Assault Carriers. And we have a lot of them. They are 800-feet long and they operate as Marine-attack vehicles. So they have hangar decks in the back.
Rense: They operate in the ocean and they operate in space. Is that what you're saying?
Tompkins: Well, I'm saying what you're looking at is the space version of your U.S. Navy Landing Assault Carriers that we have here.
Rense: Okay. That's the space version. I got it, all right.
Tompkins: This is a space version. Now, you notice that it's sort of streamlined. And, of course, everybody says, we don't need streamlining out in the galaxy. We don't need that.
Rense: You do if you're in water though.
Tompkins: Well, yeah, but you're not in water either. But if the vehicle is going to have to get into an atmosphere on some planet, that their misunderstanding is, they have to have a streamlined shape.
Rense: I see. Any planet atmosphere would require an aerodynamic capability, and that's what you're showing. Yes, okay.
Tompkins: That's what you're showing here. And so a lot of people say, on some of the other configurations that I've got of different ones that we did the design on, they're streamlined. And so this is a space vehicle that would operate like Marines would out there and many of the missions that we designed for the Navy, for Navy-space, in that secret think tank, were landing assault space vehicles to land on planets that were part of the war.
Rense: Uh huh.
Tompkins: So that's what you've got here. Two versions of 'em. They're not copies. They're different. And they had similar weapon systems.
Rense: Right. Wow. Those remind me of the models you might have built as a young man. I mean, perfect.
Tompkins: Yeah. I would have loved to . . . and I do have futuristic models in that collection that's crazy. That's a really . . . 303 ship models back from 204 years ago in the Navy all the way up to space. Wow!
Okay, could we go to the large tubular shape extraterrestrial
Rense: Yes, of course, USSS Hillenkoetter.
Tompkins: Yes. Hillenkoetter.
Rense: Hillenkoetter. All right, now, that looks like a traditional cigar-shaped craft with four . . . one, two , three, four, five domes on the end of it. Four are rounded, top bottom, side, side, and then the end is rounded as well. That's what we'd call, I guess, a cigar, for lack of a better term. What is that we're looking at?
Tompkins: Okay, it's a spacecraft carrier, and when Frank and I were talking about this earlier today, he on his computer blew up the hole in the side of it – the rectangular hole near the middle.
Rense: Uh huh.
Tompkins: And actually you're looking, as you pull it up, you can see you're in a hangar deck and you can see four vehicles in there.
Rense: I can barely see them. Yeah.
Tompkins: And so it's an interesting illustration. And, again, you can count . . . I think there's nine sections that you can actually see. They've done an excellent illustration there. And you can see the various sections.
Rense: Excuse me, Bill. Are those sections put together like the Germans used to build their submarines in the war?
Tompkins: Yes, that's the way we put together submarines. And it's the way we put together ships.
Rense: Okay.
Tompkins: But you've got to realize that you've got almost a 1,000-foot long vehicle to play with here and so the tubular sections . . . This is very interesting that they used that one, because it's the least expensive structure that you can come up with.
If you look at the old Lockheed 4-engine transports that we had in the earlier days here in this country, the fuselage was streamlined. It was four engines and three rudders and it was streamlined. And then you look at the Boeing . . .
Rense: Was that like the Super Constellation, the Lockheed?
Tompkins: Yeah. Super Constellation of Lockheed. Okay. Then if you look at the DC4 that Douglas had, it's a big tube. You know? We didn't need the thing to be streamlined, but they really didn't check that at Lockheed. And at Douglas it was the cheapest thing to make. So that philosophy was carried right through to the design you're looking at. It doesn't have to be streamlined, because this is only operating out in the galaxy. So there's no . . . This is never going to land.
Rense: I understand. They'd send the smaller ships down. Sure.
Tompkins: Yeah. So it's different than the photographs of the two we just looked at.
Rense: Where did this picture come from, Bill? Do you know?
Tompkins: I don't know where this one came from, but this is one of dozens of these that are sometimes quite different in shape.
Rense: Uh huh.
Tompkins: Okay? Which their . . . [It's] the spacecraft carrier of the space It takes the mission of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier and it's nice they showed you the new one down at the bottom of the picture, because you can compare the size.
Rense: Wow! Well this reminds me . . . Yeah, I see the size comparison. This reminds me of images that a fellow in England was getting. Do you remember this guy, George? I used to run his stuff all the time – his videos. He had a telescope and he hooked it up to a video camera. Frank, you probably saw them. Lots and lots of footage of what appeared to be enormous craft in orbit around the Earth. Long. They weren't quite as sleek as the Hillenkoetter, but they were big. They were different. They were, obviously, constructions of some type that were floating around up there. Do you remember that, George? That guy . . . I forgot the guy's name. I used to run his footage all the time.
Maj. George Filer: Yes, I've seen some of those.
Rense: Yeah, they're very interesting.
Frank Chille: Jeff, the illustration is based on the photos that Gary McKinnon was able to see when he hacked into the U.S. Navy database.
Rense: This Hillenkoetter?
Chille: Yes, the Hillenkoetter. And it's also based upon commentary of Corey Goode, having seen this craft as well.
Rense: Okay. This is a concept drawing of what is alleged to be out there flying around. So it's close to real. It's not a photograph. It's not drawn from blueprints.
Chille: No.
Rense: It's drawn from eyewitnesses and what McKinnon apparently downloaded, from what you said. I didn't know he did that.
Chille: Yes. McKinnon said that craft cost $25 billion to make. I think it holds something 400, almost 500, men. And the weight of it is something like 100,000 tons.
Rense: Gary told you that?
Chille: Well, that's what's on there – the information that's on there.
Rense: Yeah, I can't read it. It's pretty small.
Chille: He pulled that off the database. You'd have to blow it up.
Rense: Yeah. Now, McKinnon . . . I've always felt, and I'm sure you guys agree, that McKinnon saw a lot more than he let on and that's why they spent 10 years trying to extradite him to get him over here to kill him. He knew too much. He saw too much when he got into the Pentagon.
Chille: He identified two of the Solar Warden groups. The first one was the Hillenkoetter, which was named after the first C.I.A. Director, and the second one, which is the white one, are the LeMay ones. It's part of the LeMay, Curtis LeMay battle group.
Rense: Uh huh. Okay. Very good. All right, let's go back to Bill Tompkins. So we're looking at the Hillenkoetter, and we're looking at the USS Gerald Ford underneath it. Enormous size on this thing. U.S. Solar Warden space fleet. Okay, go ahead, Bill, please.
Tompkins: Okay. What I was really interested in in the photographs is like the assembly of it. But these light colored, round, on the front, which is to the right, and then in my picture it's cut off on the back. But those are not like half of a circle. Those are almost a full circle. All five of them in the bow, in the front, and all five of them in the . . .
Rense: Well, they look like golf balls.
Tompkins: Yeah. They're full balls – almost full balls. They are centered and balanced from a very small area in the inside.
Rense: All right.
Tompkins: Now, these are weapons. And the easiest way to say it is that that is their protection for the vehicle and it's offensive and defensive. There's no other cannons. There's no turrets.
Rense: These much be, obviously, energy weapons of some kind that blow themselves out. They shock them.
Tompkins: Yes. And so you have this, but you don't have turrets like we saw in the other photographs.
Rense: Yeah. Yeah.
Tompkins: Actually, you can't tell whether it's . . . where the front is and where the back is. And in the photograph, you can see different sections and there's indentations along the hollow.
Rense: Yes.
Tompkins: And there's a type of a gas, or something, that's coming out of the center of the vehicle. And you can see it coming out the top and out the bottom in the photograph. So that's part of another weapon system retention. It's not a broken vehicle. This is like a radar command situation which actually operates at extreme distances out from the vehicle.
It's extremely interesting that they've shown this in the photograph and they showed sort of a blue, a light blue, radiation standing out. You can see it best on the bottom. That's fanning out thousands of miles. It's both giving them the information and then sending it to the weapons that are on the front and the back.
Rense: Huh.
Tompkins: It's crazy. And on the ball, if you look at the front, you can actually see the structure come down and it's not fully streamlined right in. There's an indentation, because the ball is smaller than the structure of the fuselage on the front. So that rotates. A completely different kind of weapons that you're talking about.
This is a really nice illustration to show Solar Warden vehicles.
Rense: Wow. All right. We have one more to look at. One more picture.
Tompkins: Yeah.
Rense: That's the long stiletto-looking like object with it looks like a top. It's got three white rectangles on the top flat surface of it.
Tompkins: Yes, has everybody seen that one? It says, “U.S. Navy”.
Rense: Yes. It's gray. We have to pause for a minute, Bill. Hold on. We'll come back. I've got a couple more photos to add to this group. Those of you online, you can reload and take a look at those as well. Wow! Hold on. Be right back.
(23:08~24:04 – BREAK)
Rense: Okay, let's back to our special guest Mr. William Tompkins and Frank Chille and George Filer. Okay, now, the photo that I pointed to on Google, of what appears to be an enormous ship under construction on a drydock, is also listed on a page called “Imaginary Vessels”. Now, and it's said to be CGI. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean much of anything. It could be that this is a real photograph, and what's the best way to discredit a real photograph? To call it 'concept art' and hide it away somewhere on the Internet where people can find it. They'll say, “Ah, here it is. It wasn't a real photograph in the first place.”
I don't have an answer for you. I'll send this out to Frank and George and they can take a look at it and they'll get it to you, Bill, as well. But the point is what you described earlier on as to how enormous craft were built here on the ground at Newport News and underground in caverns would look something very much like this. This is what it would look like. So I think that's the thing to keep in mind. Whether or not this happens to be CGI or maybe a real picture, I don't know. But I have to go on record with that because that's the way we do things here.
So it's a fascinating picture. And that is what it would look like if it were done at a naval shipyard where they build aircraft carriers or underground with the material and structures taken in there and erected to build things like that.
Okay, fair enough. Frank?
Chille: Yes, and I want to say that those powers of observation are as extraordinary as ever, Jeff.
Rense: What powers?
Chille: Ha, ha. His ability to perceive things in that illustration. When I was talking to him today, he was seeing things that I had to expand the image to see what he was saying.
Rense: I see.
Chille: He was able to see them.
Rense: Oh, yes. Yes, yes.
Chille: He's very, very sharp in mind.
Rense: Indeed. All right. Let's go back to Bill Tompkins. Bill, again, for our listeners out there, I hate to ask people their age. How old are you again?
Tompkins: Well, I'll be 93 the 30th of the month.
Rense: That means I'll still be on the air when I'm 93. That's good. That's good. All right. Congratulations on an amazing, amazing contribution and a wonderful life you've had. All right. Let's carry on with our conversation. So we can go back to that craft that we have in photos that you were beginning to talk about. It's got the three white rectangles on top of what looks like some kind of a wing stabilizer or lift portion of the craft. I don't know what it is.
Tompkins: Okay. What that is just the front is sort of slightly pointed, but that's a round radar-like U.S. Navy-Grumman radar ship.
Rense: I got it.
Tompkins: It has an antenna in it that rotates. But there's also the plates for a different purpose that are the rectangle white plates on top. That's not mounted on a vertical stabilizer. That's just a structure that's holding it up. So there's no adderons (?) or rudders or anything like that involved in it. It's just a structure holding that up there.
Rense: Oh, so that . . . What you're saying is that long triangle with the American flag on it is holding that flat AWACS-looking wing or radar assembly on top of it.
Tompkins: Yes, it's the support for it.
Rense: I look behind it . . . I can see behind it with my magnifying glass. Okay.
Tompkins: Okay. I've got mine looking at it too, here. Anyway, it's interesting that you can see that, yeah, this is a Navy vehicle because you can see where the tip of the wings do have a crack in there where they turned up inside the hangar - if you look close, particularly the one on the left side.
The four large holes in the front up there and then the eight smaller ones are for two different types of laser weapons. So they actually . . . It's nothing but a beam that's coming out, but there's a certain amount of temperature that gets involved in this, and so they have to have a large opening. It's just two different weapons systems and there's no turret in this that would turn to face the target. You turn the vehicle to face the target.
It's actually . . . It would be a two mission-in-one vehicle type of attack vehicle, which gives you all of the radar for the whole region, which you have up on the top. But then you've got the weapons to use as an attack vehicle. Now, I noticed too that they had the . . . Up on the top in the front, they've got their sensors there exactly like you've got on the top of the roof of your house for their power. So they're picking out the sun's power partially.
Rense: So this is a spacecraft.
Tompkins: Yeah.
Rense: Now, I have a question. Why would they force this ship to have to face, at a 90° right angle, whatever it's going after?
Tompkins: Okay. It wouldn't be . . . Actually, they would face the target. This would be operating in the atmospheres . . .
Rense: Oh, okay. Oh, this is a atmospheric craft. Okay.
Tompkins: Yeah, but it would . . . From it's mothership, which it doesn't have a problem from the ship of it, it just flies down, does it's attack and goes back to the mothership. But there's one interesting thing that I guess I don't understand. If you look at the leading edge around – it's black, and down the main side of the structure of the hull, it's black. Now, what that used to be is a . . . It would be used for getting the ice off the vehicle in the atmosphere. And that's kind of interesting because we've use that on a lot of different aircraft for a long time. And that sort of went out. We don't use it any more. So apparently that has some other purpose. It's not to get the ice off.
Rense: Is this . . . Is this . . . What are we looking at here, a photograph or a model?
Tompkins: That's a model.
Rense: Yeah.
Tompkins: I'm sure. Yeah. That's a model.
Rense: Just so people understand. I don't . . . Yeah, okay. So this would be something that would fly around in our atmosphere as a defensive perimeter weapons system.
Tompkins: Yes, but it also could operate in space.
Rense: All right. Well, they need to have a bridge somewhere to be able to look out, I would think, but maybe not.
Tompkins: Ha, ha.
Chille: Jeff, it also came off . . .
Tompkins: No, they don't need windows.
Rense: What's that Frank?
Chille: It came off of a site that showed other Solar Warden vessels and vehicles.
Rense: Yeah.
Chille: So it came off of that same site.
Rense: I see. All right. Okay. Very good. All right. Onward, Bill. This is amazing. We've looked at all the photos. I've added a couple to the online grouping. Did you read a lot of that Frank? If you load that page again, you'll see the other photos I've added. One is another variant of the German flying craft – actually a color picture, which is awfully darn good for something that should be 70 years old. So, I don't know. They all have the same three perimeter globes, we'll call them, on the bottom of the craft, like the Adamsky. They are round, bald on the top, on the bottom. And there's a center one that's much larger half globe.
And the background of this picture, interestingly, is something that looks like it may be . . . it may be a DC-3, although the tail is chopped off. It's not . . . It's something similar to a McDonnell DC-3 – in the background, which . . . They were available in the 40s. They were the first airliner in the late '30s actually. Interesting.
Chille: Jeff, I can make a comment. Bill had spoken to me today about the German aircraft that was 250-feet in diameter. He said the operatives had brought back photographs of a craft that size prior to '39, and their first propulsion systems were electromagnetic and then they were using anti-gravity. And he said they were using that type of craft to go to Mars and also to visit some of the moons of Jupiter. I mean, Bill maybe want to discuss that in more detail.
Rense: All right. It's okay with me. Let's . . . Go ahead, Bill, tell us about early trips to off-planet. And then tell us what's on Mars in your view.
Tompkins: Okay. Actually, Mars has been a base for a long time, and for many different things other than just normal research for the geophysicists.
Rense: Yeah.
Tompkins: The facilities are like underground, but the planet has artifacts of ancient buildings just like on the moon.
Rense: They're all over the place.
Tompkins: On the back side of the moon.
Rense: All over the place.
Tompkins: Right. All over the place. They keep covering this up in the photographs they release to the public and anybody with a good telescope can look at it. So, you know, astronomers know what's going on.
Rense: Well, if you look at my 'Sightings' link, on my homepage at Rense, click on that. There are a lot of links to Mars images from Curiosity and earlier Rovers that are put up and . . . The more you look at those pictures, the more you see. It's really quite amazing. All right, Bill, go ahead. Sorry.
Tompkins: There's large construction facilities on Mars that are coming from different aerospace companies, like facilities on some of the stars' planets, for instance, North American Aviation. That's a good example.
In my book, I go into a block diagram-type of how to document a weapon systems for the Air Force and the Navy. It ends up that you – you see it in the book – but it's interesting that that approach, after I'd left Douglas, got fired from Douglas, Dr. Debus got me into North American with a corporate position in engineering. And so I took my block diagram and a lot of other things from Douglas, and I took it to North American.
And one of the things I took was that block diagram. So recently I got a hold of one of the North American block diagrams that Frank sent me. And many of you have seen that. It's handled both horizontally and vertically. And what it really is – it's a block diagram of a commercial company that used to build airplanes and built the space vehicle that we used to go out to our satellites. So they're in the business, but part of North American management wanted to do mining on Mars. And, of course, mining on other stars' planets or their moons.
And so they put together an excellent program that's in that illustration of all of the block diagrams which is everything that you have to do in phases. You can't go to the next phase 'til after you've blocked diagrammed that answered the past phase. And so they did this for a business on Mars to mine materials on Mars and then sell it. Sell it to other people in the galaxy. And so that's a commercial business, which many of the aerospace companies have gone into in space.
So the Mars facilities are not just the military facilities there, it's commercial for the mining of different materials. Sometimes we don't . . . We look at everything as being a military mission, but if you go back to my book, in the early part we talked about in the secret think tank of designing programs to commercially operate out in the galaxy with other stars' systems' people. And this was part of our quest.
We weren't just coming up with a weapons system – how to make it and go out and fight people. And I think that these commercial operations – some of them are pretty good. And as we know, some of the management of the ones on Mars did do the wrong thing and they made the people working there slaves. They work as slaves, unfortunately, and this was done in the galaxy too, by American companies. And they shouldn't have done this.
And that's part of what we're trying to fix. And it's one of the things on Disclosure that we're trying to fix. But there's all types of facilities on Mars. And just like on the moon, extraterrestrials have all kinds of facilities and there are different extraterrestrials using that planet for their agendas.
I don't mean to get into that, but I'm just saying that when we address this subject, we have to also address commercial operations, and some of the people did wrong. But normally, if we can clean up those operations and the slavery, which is also out in the galaxy by other extraterrestrials, then that's good commerce.
Some people say, “Gee, North Americans should not have done that.” Well, we were the people that were there. The actual operations of it were a long ways from the planet and they were trying to make it less expensive and they did it. Go ahead.
Rense: It's very interesting. All right. We have about five minutes left. Let's bring George on here first. George, what are your thoughts.
Filer: Well, those are a lot of amazing things. I have seen mining operations on both the moon and Mars in various photographs. I always thought they were alien, but I guess they could have been ours. That picture of what looks like a spaceship is very revealing.
Rense: The one I sent you?
Filer: Right.
Rense: Yeah. In the drydock or what looks like it, but check the link there because it goes back to an alleged source. Now, that could be an easy way to discredit that photograph too, calling it concept arr. I don't know.
Filer: It looks awfully real to me. Let's put it that way.
Rense: Stunning. Yeah. Yeah, stunning. Agreed.
Filer: A lot of work went into the concept art.
Rense: Huge amount of work. Huge.
Filer: Well, I had various indications through the years, you know, studying this field, that something happened right after the Germans lost World War II that we brought back some Nazi-UFO-type situation. At least I was told that. Let's put it that way. We brought back some UFOs. So that fits in to what Bill is saying, and it's absolutely fascinating what he has to say that we have these craft. I'm not sure why we don't want to admit to them. ___ that cost millions of dollars and even billions of dollars that were just like old Ford cars that were 50 years old that are ships and so on that are obviously much better than anything that we know that we have. We've developed lasers, which he talks about. And we've developed . . . well, I think we have our own UFOs. There's certainly evidence to that. And it was likely that we were helped by the Nordic people. So there's a lot of situations were you can kind of back up what Bill says.
Rense: Okay, Frank?
Chille: Ah, boy, Jeff, there's so much more that Bill wants to share. I don't know if he can get in the story about the friend of his that was in Solar Warden and was on one of the craft that's been rejuvenated and Bill sees him every once in a while.
Rense: Okay, tell us about that Bill, if you would.
Tompkins: Which one is this, Frank?
Chille: The fellow that you know which was part of Solar Warden that you've known for a long period of time and they've rejuvenated him.
Tompkins: Okay, I guess I don't remember that one, but . . .
Rense: How many people do you know that are on Solar Warden right now? Any?
Tompkins: Personnel on it . . . you know we have three fellas that are releasing a great deal of information and my effort is earlier than today on the whole Solar Warden program, because I did the design of these vehicles and then I was involved in different sub-contractors that were supporting Lockheed and Grumman. So I know many of these people and I even know Grumman people right here in San Diego, who . . . that's not their job, but they're engulfed with it. So those people are very knowledgeable about what's taking place with the missions. And actually the vehicles are very old right now. So they have been in all types of updates, new equipment put on board, other taken off, construction and everything at the Nordic facilities.
Rense: Here on Earth or off-planet?
Tompkins: Off-planet facilities. So now, there's another massive program to replace all eight of those spacecraft carrier battle groups.
Rense: Wow!
Tompkins: And that's taking place here, but it's also Navy construction off planet.
Rense: Most interesting. Bill, that's our program tonight. We're out of time. Thank you for sharing all that. We'll do it again if you'd like and keep at it. Just an extraordinary recall. Very provocative data for people to consider and think about and we really appreciate it. So thank you, Bill.
Tompkins: Thank you for the program and all the support that you've been giving to everyone else on this. It's really important.
Rense: All right. You're very welcome. Thank you. And Frank Chille, thank you, sir. We'll talk to you soon.
Chille: Thank you.
Rense: And Maj. George, thank you as always for being here. It's an amazing world out there.
Filer: There's a lot going on out there. More and more information is coming forward.
Rense: Yeah. Indeed. Okay. Thank you, George. And thanks to all of you. Another program in the books. And we'll come back tomorrow night and do it again. Hope to have you on board. Take care.