Prime Directives, Cosmic Law & OUR PART in Planetary Liberation
Updates from Corey Goode - September 2021

I have had people reach out about various narratives they have been hearing when it comes to what is going on in our Solar System.
Some have asked me if the angelic density beings and groups involved in Federations had suspended their 'Non-Interference' directives in our Solar System as they have heard from various sources online. We do have quite a lot of ET groups that want to intervene and are waiting for the chance to do so.
The dark side is insidious and knows cosmic law as well as the highest density beings in the galaxy. These cosmic laws cannot be broken, so the dark forces found a way to make each planet and the population they want to take over complicit in the act. From the beginning, these forces have used our traumas (Caused many of them, to begin with) to manipulate us. The worst of our society and most broken were groomed to take leadership/KINGSHIP roles over us.
We have been complicit as a planetary society. We have allowed the ruthless to control the planet while we have had the power to make the changes all along. There have always been groups that were more awakened, but as a whole, our civilization prefers to hide its eyes from its traumas, responsibilities and purposefully remain ignorant of what its leaders are doing. The planet is starting to wake up/rise up but this is just the beginning.
Once we begin holding our leaders accountable and no longer allow them to represent us on a local, national and now planetary level we will begin seeing our cosmic cousins showing up to intervene.
What happens when after 1, 3, 5, and then 10 years and we see things continue in the current direction and don't see these federations showing up to liberate the planet along with the rest of the solar system?
What happens is that this community wastes 1, 3, 5, and then 10 years that they could have been fighting. If everyone in this community sits back and celebrates the solar system being liberated at this very moment how does it benefit us down here and when do the changes in the solar system filter down to Earth?
I understand a lot of figures in this community are getting together to put forward a ‘more positive narrative’. Some believe that we have been through so much over the last 2 years that we just need hope, others actually believe that if a few thousand of them create stories of victory that they will somehow manifest that timeline.
If we don't know what is going on, we have no way to fight against it and do our part. ET groups are doing what they can, but they are held up at the gate until humanity gets off of its knees, stops looking to them to come and save them, and does its part thus allowing them to intervene via Cosmic Law.
Positive groups NEVER waive cosmic law but work within its confines to prevent karmic entanglements that are detrimental to their own civilizations, each in varying degrees of development.
For those that want to try to story tell our way out in hopes, the story will become reality... They are welcome to that path.
I am bringing everyone in-depth information (As I have for over 6 years) about what is going on and will continue to deliver the information as I witness it. When I deliver these reports/videos on these updates the information will have been delivered to the mass consciousness. Only through knowing what we are up against will we be able to do our part in defeating it.
These are very confusing times and most people are making decisions out of fear. I see so many people who are behaving completely in a reactionary way and no longer responding or communicating.
People are looking for hopeful information when they should be looking for helpful information. I let everyone know as the years passed that these energies were coming and as each wave hit I have told everyone things will get worse before they get better. I say that again.
Only after the masses who are purposefully staying asleep are shocked awake by the negative things that have been going on will they rise up.
If you missed my recent posts on Facebook and in our SBA-Ascension Works TV Telegram Group, please read below very carefully to have an idea of what I will be discussing in upcoming written and video episodes.
COSMIC UPDATES: I am working on a number of written reports and will also be publishing a video series (DISCLOSURE) discussing them in detail. We are looking forward to getting this information to you as soon as possible. We will be sending out the written reports via email, so please go to to make sure you are on our email list. We will then be releasing the videos that will be full of DISCLOSURE.
These reports and related video episodes will give people in this community a fuller perspective of what various groups are doing to humanity (Body, Mind, and SPIRIT!) and HOW WE can not only fight back but WIN!
Some of this information can be unsettling but knowledge is power. We have to know what the enemy is doing before we can form a full plan and respond instead of reacting.
DISCLOSURE – Series Episode Topics:
1. Tall Grey Alien Agenda – Physical and Energetic Implants, manipulation of Human DNA, light-body energy, and soul journeys. Control of people's perceptions of reality via implants and manipulation of dreams.
2. Reptilian Agenda – Cities of Reptilians in hibernation reaching out in astral form to manipulate human emotional states and spiritual development while feeding themselves and their AI god from the loosh they collect. Project themselves into people's homes and assign Shadow People and Demonic Entities to homes and people to cause chaos.
3. Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate Lockdown of the Sol System: LOC Alpha, Beta, and Charley, Prison Base for Aliens (Dark Fleet – Intruder Intercept and Interrogation Program Prison Complex) – Mars Colonies and Cities.
4. Micca discloses how his people freed themselves from Alien influence and then transformed leading up to their own solar event.
5. Super Federation meetings near Jupiter and Saturn. Meeting with the New Guardians and discussing cosmic trials after the solar event, or sooner if humanity made the shift sooner.
6. Discuss Spiritual Warfare, protecting your personal vibration, clearing, and protecting your home of negative energies and entities. Don’t be afraid, THIS IS HOW WE WIN!
(With More Reports and Episodes to Follow!)
Please, join our mailing list and subscribe to our YouTube Channel! Also, make sure you are in the SBA - Ascension Works TV Telegram group (Search Telegram). I give a lot of updates and post videos there that I don't post anywhere else. Corey Goode
COSMIC UPDATE SUMMARY: During these tours of the Sol System and locations on Earth, we observed quite a lot. There is so much to cover I will be releasing this information in a series so it is easier to digest and absorb before moving to the next topic. What did we see on the Moon, and in bases in Antarctica, S. America, and Central America? Here is a very brief summary of one of the bases we encountered. Much more to come, it will take some time to compile and report this information. I plan on doing a series of videos on these briefings/tours.
Tall Grey Base on the Moon (They also had smaller facilities on Mars and underground on Earth):
• VERY Large Base with Many Thousands of Tall Greys
• Had Small Grey and other genetically engineered biological machines doing most of the physical work.
• Had 3 powerful devices that Anshar state will be destroyed by the Solar Events
• Had 4 main programs that we viewed with many other smaller programs
1. Tall Greys send out drone ships manned with small greys with Human observers onboard (Agreement with Earth Governments) where they are doing genetic and reproductive experiments on Humans. Humans were being physically abducted and experimented on. The experiments happened on ships mostly but in some cases, people were brought to deep underground caverns with joint Tall Grey and Human Bases deep within the Earth.
2. Abductee monitoring and manipulation via implants. Tall Greys sat in chairs with glowing orbs on the armrests where they rest their hands (Think Control Panel). They were abducting people’s astral bodies while they are asleep and download experiences/information as well as give them ‘energetic implants’ in their eyes and other parts of their bodies. They were also stealing pieces of their astral bodies and storing them.
3. They were controlling the behavior and perception of reality of people through physical implants in these abductees as well as through the energetic implants they were putting in people that were abducted in their astral bodies. They could almost use these people as drones at times and also give them distorted information to pollute society with.
4. Tall Greys were using the exact same chair devices to capture people in astral or spirit form after they died. They would download experiences and information from them. Some ‘souls’ were sent to other star systems via one of the 3 devices mentioned prior. Most ‘souls’ were sent back to Earth after they took pieces of the ‘soul body’ (Lack of a better word, it was a bit different than the dreaming astral abductees) and programmed them energetically and sent them to Earth or to ‘realms created by the dead person’ created by religions and belief systems. Most of the souls and soul fragments were sent back to Earth to reincarnate. The Anshar told me that the Tall Greys were interfering in the natural spiritual development of the planet. Many of the souls they deal with are star seed souls. There were huge areas where Tall Greys were in stasis-type chambers while other groups of Tall Greys took their souls and fragmented them to send to Earth to incarnate. Many of the humans they abduct physically are these Tall Greys incarnated. This is done as a way to squeak by without breaking cosmic agreements.
Some of these encounters were extremely creepy as you read above. Some of this was completely new to me and the SSP Alliance members present. There is a lot of hope at the end of this information, but first, it may shock or disturb you. (Fair warning). This summary will prepare you for the first bit of information that is to come. If you think the Tall Grey information was disturbing, just wait until I give the summary on the Reptilian Bases on Mars, the Moon, and Antarctica. This will get more into the spiritual aspect of what this community and world are going through. It was quite the wake-up call for me. More soon, Corey Goode
Reptilian Reconnaissance Summary– The Moon, Mars, and Antarctica:
When I was being taken around the Sol System by the Mayans and Anshar we visited The Moon, Ceres, Mars, Super Federation Bases around Jupiter and Mars and finished with Antarctica. For the purposes of this summary, I am going to share what was gleaned about the Reptilians and slightly condense the information we observed from their bases/cities on the Moon, Mars, and the Antarctic. The activities at all 3 Reptilian locations were very similar. On this particular mission, we had one of our ‘cosmic cousins’ attend. Micca from the closest inhabited star system in our local stellar neighborhood was there to witness the mission and share his people's struggle to liberate their solar system. I will not touch on that in this report but will cover what we learned of the plight of Micca’s people. Micca was very emotional when observing this mission as it has not been that long since his people were in a similar position.
• The Reptilians had relatively small bases on the Moon and Mars when compared to their large city in Antarctica. There were two main bases on the Moon that were very close together (Could be considered as base complex) and one base on Mars that was a military outpost.
• The bases on the Moon and Antarctica had very similar activities and functions. There were two cloaked satellites (ancient in age) that are in orbit around the Earth that are a part of the Reptilian mind and mood control projects. In one of the Moon facilities, the Reptilians have a device that is connected to their satellites and the control center in Antarctica that they guard with their strongest psychic soldier casts.
• One of the main projects the Reptilians has was to use satellite technology to control the minds and moods of humanity using it to generate strife and war while keeping the population docile and less able to resist the power structure on Earth that they control. This program allows them to generate loosh energy on the planet for them and they're ‘AI God’ to consume on a mass level.
• When viewing the Reptilian City under Antarctica we observed a horrific sight. I didn’t get a number but what appeared as Millions of Reptilians were deep under the ground in a city carved out of caverns. There was a portion of the city that had very high-tech equipment and devices that were being actively and jointly worked on by Reptilians, Bio-Droids (More on them later), and Humans. Further down in the cavern is where we found the other casts of the Reptilian society. The look of this area could be described as spartan and low-tech. It felt like an old Celtic castle with the red, black, purple, and maroon tapestries hanging over large doorways and statues placed in passageways. There was a lot of death-themed art on the walls that looked like it was painted or tattooed on what looked like skin from the backs and chests of humans and other beings they have encountered. I was told that each gruesome piece of art told the story of a battle or conflict. The statues were made of a mixture of some sort of plaster partially covering mummified bodies of both Reptilians, Ancient Humans and what appeared to be Pre-Adamites. I was told by Micca that these pieces of ‘art’ were commissioned at different times in our history after the Reptilians had won victories over Humans and Pre-Adamites and other casts and the leaders of their enemies were preserved in these statues. Micca stated that his people had discovered very similar facilities on their own planet after they liberated themselves (More on how they did this in the future). Many of the statues were said to have been created to celebrate victories over the Pre-Adamites and Humans going back over 50 thousand years with the most recent statues being from a few thousand years after the last Solar Event (11,800 years ago?).
• The Command and Control area is where they stay in contact and coordinate with their ET Allies, ships, and various projects and missions. We witnessed a quick high-tech Zoom call between the Reptilians, Insectoids, and Tall Greys that showed that these groups coordinate. I saw a symbol pop up just before the communication began that was floating in a holographic field that was a black triangle with a circle of what looked like a bent light beam around it. The technology in this area is very advanced and only a certain cast of their society is allowed access to it. We didn’t focus too much on this area and one other area due to Royal White Reptilians being present. They would have detected our presence and reconnaissance mission very quickly and easily.
• We then viewed one of the less technical areas of this city and found hundreds of thousands if not millions of Reptilians in some sort of hibernation state. This was a different class of Reptilians and they were shorter and less muscular but had larger heads similar to the Pre-Adamites. They would go into a deep hibernation while leaving their bodies as very tall shadow figures. Each Reptilian Shadow Figure had between 3 and 8 shadow beings with them and were obviously controlling them. They were then projecting themselves into Human Military Facilities, Work Places, Homes, and even dreams where they were stationing the shadow beings to influence and torture the people present. They were collecting Loosh but also affecting the vibration and state of consciousness of the people. They were able to influence many people while being able to completely control or possess many others.
• Some of this hibernating group had what looked like some sort of witch-doctor class wearing cloaks who were standing among the hibernating Reptilians and performing what looked like black magic ceremonies. In some cases, they were sacrificing humans while watching holographic projections of other humans on the surface doing a mirrored ceremony where they were also sacrificing a human. The sacrifices occurred at exactly the same time opening a portal between the two locations. The cloaked witch-doctor type of Reptilians would walk through this portal and appear physically before the humans who would drop immediately to their knees in worship. What we witnessed was beyond horrific and sticks with me to this very day. Because of these activities, this city was infested with what we would call lower, mid to high-level demons and negative polarity elementals. These demons were obviously visible to the Reptilians as they were interacting with them and in some cases ordering them to attach to certain humans or groups and follow their very specific orders to create chaos, sickness, mental distress, and death in their targets.
• In each of the Reptilian bases there were areas where humans were kept. Some of them were the Dark Fleet Operators who had to flee the programs after Sigmund exposed their program. They were now refugees in these bases and were assisting the Reptilians by doing all of the manual labor and taking care of prisoners who were mostly there to be sacrificed or as food sources. I would imagine these Dark Fleet Operators are pretty concerned about what will happen to them if the Reptilians run out of their human slaves that are delivered by the thousands by organized crime groups that kidnap people on the surface for this purpose.
• We also observed strange sort of human-looking bio-androids. Anshar and Micca explained that these bio-machines are millions of years old if not older. They were the result of the AI God taking over another solar system and these androids were built in the image of the civilization that had designed them. The AI took over these androids and used them and the technology of this civilization against them and wiped out every living soul in that solar system. These Droids carried a certain type of AI Programming that make them very useful and these Bio-Droids are what design and build most of their technology. They are basically AI Avatars that allow the AI God to produce technologies that the Reptilians are not capable of producing.
• We also observed hundreds of 8-foot tall beings that looked very human. They were very muscular and had 6 fingers on each hand. They were a race that had been defeated by the Reptilians and AI and was now in service to the AI God. There wasn’t a whole lot of who they used to be left as they were mind-controlled and infested with Nanites, the same type the Reptilians have inside of them. These beings had their own spacecraft that they operated alongside the Draco and are the ones that abduct and experiment on humans for the Reptilians in a program shared by a few ET Groups.
At this point in our reconnaissance mission, we were detected by one of the Witch Doctor Reptilians and had to move to our next location in Antarctica which were ICC and former Dark Fleet facilities that were very active and working closely with their counterparts in 3 different bases on the Moon. We were very upset and disturbed by what we witnessed and the next time the Mayan/Anshar delegation picked us all up we were worried about what we would encounter next. Thankfully we were able to receive quite a bit of hope when we traveled to the Super Federation Bases and were told about a major meeting coming up with the New Guardians that will discuss the Super Federations mandate to perform legal investigations and hold violators of cosmic law accountable at the appropriate time. Part of what the Anshar/Mayan delegation was doing was bringing the appropriate human witnesses along while they gathered evidence for these future cosmic trials. We were told these trials would occur after the Solar Event and humanity had chosen the direction for their civilization for the first time in their history. We observed some very troubling things yet were left with a tremendous amount of hope for the future of humanity and its new chapter of self-determination. I look forward to bringing you summaries of these other reconnaissance missions very soon. In the meantime, we ask that this community transmutes their fear and anger into resolve in their missions and whatever part they have in bringing physical and spiritual freedom to the planet.
COSMIC UPDATE: My next report summary will be - 'The Super Federation and Liberation of Micca’s Planet'. Many readers have been shocked by the details I have shared over my last two reports that covered the Tall White Grey Bases, the Draco Reptillian Bases, and their activities. Some have proclaimed that it is too horrifying to allow into their own truths or realities or drag down their vibration. Micca's people went through the same process. They first received dream contact and then some of them began to receive limited physical contact with a number of higher consciousness groups. The Blue Avians (Guardians) and Zulu assisted them the most by clearing out ET's from their solar system after the population liberated itself on the surface. It all started with a very small percentage of their people awakening and spreading the horrifying knowledge. This number grew until all of their people put out a calling to the One Infinite Creator for help. More and more of their population awakened and some began walking off of worksites and protesting. The more Micca's people heard about the ET Presence and influence on their planet the more their government locked down and acted like totalitarians. Things got very dire for his people but he told me that before any population rises up to liberate themselves from these Tyrannical ET Groups they first have to find out the depth of the evil going on. This catalyzes more and more of Micca's population until they collapsed their governmental systems by not participating. It got very ugly for his people before they were liberated and the ugliness was a major part of the catalyst. This full report will come out soon, in the meantime understand that disturbing information will come out more and more. Do not stick your head in the sand as the ugliness will be a catalyst for positive change. More details to come in the report summary. CG
Corey Goode